References and Sample Projects

Here are a few references and sample projects that demonstrate our work. If you have any specific questions, get in touch with us. We would be happy to schedule an appointment in person to discuss further details.

Helmbach, Germany

Sediment Volume: 5.000 m³

Device: MiniMover

Max. Pump Capacity: 40 m³/h

Project: Continuous Sediment Transfer since 2023

Focus: The reservoir is today difficult to access for heavy vehicles. Public law prohibits a use of the sediment for agricultural soil improvement, but allows for sediment transfer, since the sediment is not critically contaminated.

Heilenbeck Water Board

Sediment Volume: 6,000 m³

Transfer: 2,000 m³

Project: Planning and execution of continuous sediment transfer

Focus: Sediment transfer, drinking water reservoirs: securing of drinking water quality and quantity 

Bitburg Reservoir Association

Sediment Volume: 250,000 m3

Transfer: 80,000 m³ preparation + transfer over 1.5 years 

Project: Planning of sustainable sediment management and execution of continuous sediment transfer 

Focus: Sediment transfer, water ecology impact monitoring, cost optimization 

Empresa de Energia del Pacifico

Sediment Volume: 4,600,000 m3  

Project: Sediment and water quality management study 

Focus: Sustainable solutions for reducing the negative effect of dams on the environment, possibility of reducing emissions 


Sediment Volume: 480,000,000 m3

Project: Sediment and water quality management study 

Focus: Sustainable solutions for reducing the negative effect of dams on the environment, possibility of reducing emissions 

Wahnbach Dam Association

Sediment Volume: 60,000 m³

Project: Comprehensive study of the sedimentological situation and development of sustainable sediment management

Focus: Sustainability, environmental compatibility, cost optimization

Lake Kronenburg

Sediment Volume: > 70,000 m³

Project: Development of a sustainable sediment management concept to ensure reservoir functionality  

Focus: Comprehensive sampling, surveying and cost optimization

City of Tangermünde

Sediment Volume: 27,000 m³

Project: Development of a sustainable sediment management concept to ensure reservoir functionality  

Focus: Comprehensive sampling, surveying and cost optimization

Island of Juist

Project: Study on the desedimentation of the island's harbor

Focus: Sensitive environmental requirements due to its location in a national park, intensive sampling

Vorarlberger Illwerke

Sediment Volume: 380,000 m³

Project: Planning, scaling Planning and preparation for desedimentation

Focus: Morphological analysis, evaluation of impact on ecology and equipment operation, equipment sizing

Nepal Electric Authority

Sediment Volume: > 200,000 m³/year

Project: Consulting on sustainable sediment management in the reservoir to prevent sedimentation and bank erosion, securing of continuous equipment operation, scaling of continuous sediment transport

Focus: Desedimentation, erosion protection and bank stability strategies


Sediment Volume: 800 m³

Project: Study on sustainable sediment management

Focus: Continuous equipment operation, securing of drinking water quality