Hülskens Sediments
Sustainable Reservoir Management

Hülskens Sediments GmbH is an expert in reservoir sedimentation management technology. We offer cost-efficient, effective solutions for the sustainable operation of valuable reservoirs used for hydraulic power plants, water supplies, and flood protection.

Transverse structures, such as dams or natural barriers, alter the flow processes in waters and interfere with the natural sediment budget. Sedimentation typically occurs upstream of the structure and a lack of sediment results downstream. This can lead to deep scouring downstream, which can result in stability issues in hydraulic structures such as bridge piers or bank structures.

For reservoirs, sedimentation means a loss of function of economically viable capacity for hydroelectric power in the long term and even total siltation of the reservoir.

For sustainable water management, however, sediment should not be just continuously removed from the sediment budget but rather also added directly back to the system. Taking all of this into consideration, we have developed the ConSedTrans® process as part of our contribution to keeping waters in excellent condition.

“To put it simply, there's too much sediment before the dam and too little after it. Both have disadvantages and drawbacks. We ensure a continuous, you could say “natural” balance. Almost as though the dam weren’t even there.”
Thomas Groß, Managing Director, Hülskens Sediments GmbH

Your One-Stop Source for Water Management

With us as your partner, we work to counteract the siltation of your reservoir. With our innovative technology, we focus on sustainable reservoir management and near-to-nature regeneration of your reservoir's sediment budget. At the same time, we restore your reservoir capacity—all without disrupting your installation thanks to the automated nature of our process. We always look for the best solution for you that is environmentally friendly and cost-efficient.

We offer objective, expert consultation on virtually every sedimentology issue.

Our solution contributes to a consistent body of water and sustainable management helps preserve and improve it. We help you develop sustainable sediment management for your reservoir and accompany you every step of the way.

With our experienced partners, we are on hand to conduct environmental studies on sediment and water management

that address virtually every sedimentology issue, from sediment load, desedimentation solutions, relocation, sediment transfer, extraction, recycling, and even dumping, which can be extremely expensive.

Part of the Hülskens Group of Companies

Hülskens Sediments is part of the Hülskens Group of Companies, with headquarters located in Wesel, North Rhine-Westphalia. Our corporate portfolio includes Hülskens Wasserbau, which constructs and restores inland waterways, bridges, locks, river banks and port facilities, and World Dredgers, a partner in planning and constructing suction dredgers and pump systems. Through years of collaboration and the resulting synergy, we have extraordinary know-how when it comes to planning the technical design and construction of custom installations, including practical application.